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A group photo of the final 8 presenters from the Innovation Showcase
Health Roundtable Team

Health Roundtable held the annual Innovation Showcase in Brisbane on 16 and 17 May. The event's 115 attendees heard an update on the Health Roundtable strategy from Victoria Hirst and Lachlan Rudd, before an inspiring keynote from Dr Emma Synnott on her environmental sustainability work at South Metropolitan Health Service WA.

Presenters from all corners of Australia and New Zealand shared 56 innovations and service improvements delivered as a three minute pitch to attendees who then voted on their favourites in each session. A Final 8 group of innovations were:

Holly Landers Hospital Emergency Access Response Team North Metro HS WA

Prof Anthony Russell Diabetes Connecting Care Clinic Alfred Health

Brenna Melhuish Complex Discharge Planning Counties Manukau

Dr Scott Crawford One Day Renal Transplant Workup Bay of Plenty

Sarah Sweeney Building a culture of improvement utilising data St Vincent's

Prof O'Beirne Flexible models of sedation for LR endoscopy Sunshine Coast

Aqif Mukhtar Modelling Risks and Outcome Calculations North Metro WA

Sarah Halligan Language Legends Royal Perth

Prof Anthony Russell from The Alfred took out the top-voted innovation award for his amazing work in developing a Diabetic Care Connecting Care Clinic. After an inspiring day, Health Roundtable hosted 75 people for Dinner with the Presenters. Day 2 included an implementation science workshop to upskill attendees in how to make their wonderful ideas stick.

The feedback received from attendees was very positive:

“The quality of this event improves every year”

“The innovations this year were excellent and are an improvement on last year”

“The Beamtree team excelled themselves and we can see work really well as a collaborative team”

We look forward to the next opportunity to showcase amazing innovation across the Health Roundtable membership in Sydney in June 2025.